Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Coral. Hmmm.

Remember when I mentioned that coral is a tough colour for me to scrap with?

Well, lo and behold, I have a top that photographs as coral.  Plus, I won a coral-based s.e.i. paper pack last year at a crop.

Add that to Creative Scrappers sketch #177 by Kristine Davidson, and you get:
 I'm thinking I can get used to this new colour palette.
And maybe I need to take more photos in that top.

1 comment:

  1. Well I just wanna know what you gals were up to. . . and how come I wasn't invited? ;)

    p.s. love coral.


If you type something below it will make the sun shine and the flowers bloom and all the world's children sing hand-in-hand. If you don't, someone, somewhere, will kick a puppy. You don't want to have that on your conscience, now do you?