Friday, April 29, 2011

Another counterfeit layout. Please don't turn me in.

This counterfeit kit thing?  I'm seriously loving it.
(This one's based on Sketch #150 from Creative Scrappers, by the way.)

I mean, how awesome is it to be able to see new combinations in the stash you already know and love?
Plus, the layouts seem to come together in record time.  Not that I want my scrap time to go too fast, but lately?  If I want to scrap at all?  I have to economize on my time.

If any of you figure out how to counterfeit time?  Please.  Pass it my way.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This one's counterfeit.

Here's one of the first layouts I made with my counterfeit kit:
I love that this challenge gets me to try colour schemes I might not otherwise try and to use up some of that lovely paper that I

This one also gave me the opportunity to use one of the little embroidery-floss butterflies that I crocheted whilst sitting in a packed-up house waiting to move.

 Ain't it cute?  I started with a tutorial I found online, but I altered it a little.   I'll post a tutorial soon.

These little guys are too cute to
covet all to myself.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Printable Pantry Labels

Remember the pantry label project I shared a couple of weeks ago?

The ones I made from a vintage pharmacy label from The Graphics Fairy
I figured out how to share them.  Click here to download.  And if you use them?  Let me know!

By the way?  Definitely attach them with eyelets and zip-ties rather than hot glue.  Otherwise, you'll wind up with a floor full of lovely upside-down pantry labels.

Don't ask me how I know.
Anything Related
Chocolate Drool and Kisses
The Girl Creative

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cliff says I stole this from Buckingham Palace.

When I realized our taps were dripping, I decided I had to do something about it.

And by "something", I mean hastily run to the store to buy a new one and then take it home and rip out the old one with my bare hands and then look at the holes that are left and realize that the new taps won't fit because there are only two holes drilled and Cliff doesn't think drilling into the countertop is such a good idea so I go back to the store and spend two hours picking between the $30 tap that requires holes and the $130 tap that requires two holes because there are only these to choose from.

Ya.  It was pretty much just like that.

Here's those two stupid two-trips-to-Home-Depot-causing holes:


On the plus side?  After two hours staring at the taps in Home Depot?  A wonderful, friendly salesperson will come over and teach you all about plumber's putty and teflon tape.
So I got out my putty, put on my best "I know exactly what I'm doing" face, and filled in the empty spaces:
And I taped her up:
And now...

Cliff says either I raided Buckingham Palace's kitchen, or I'm planning to let people bathe in our kitchen sink.

I don't care.  I think it's pretty.  And I did it myself - Cliff only had to loosed one nut for me.  And after two hours in Home Depot?

It's staying whether it matches the rest of the kitchen or not.


A Marvelous Mess

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cards. The fun kind.

Here are some cards I made from my counterfeit kit:

A week ago, obviously.  Because today, I'm writing report cards. 

And since it's "cards", it sounds like it's fun, but it's not.

Back to the cards, of the "report" variety.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pantry labels. It's organized, yo.

So here's the first project I jumped into.
Before.  Blech.
If truth be told, I was thinking, nay, dreaming about this project for weeks before we finally moved in.  I had a plan that this was going to be the cleanest, neatest, most organized home I've ever lived in.

Enter these pantry labels

I started with a vintage label from The Graphics Fairy.

***Editor's note:  If I ever figure out how to attach a PDF to a blog post, I'll surely share.

Then I laminated 'em and hot-glued zip-ties to the back:

 And when I affixed 'em, my pantry looked like so:

And then I found out the hard way that hot-glue does not like laminated plastic.

I see eyelets in my future.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Updated, finally.

Hello, all.  I'm back.  As in, I'm-making-a-comeback back. As in, where-the-hell-was-I-in-the-first-place back.  As in, baby-got-back back.

Let's see.  I tried to avoid The Pile.  I moved The Pile to the new house.  I dismantled The Pile.  Then I tackled the smaller-but-equally-terrifying Pile-O'-Essays that needed to be marked.

This latter pile may or may not be fully dismantled at this time.  I am leaning toward "not".

***Editor's note:  Here's the picture of Molly in the recycling bin high atop The Pile that I promised.  No actual dogs were harmed in the making of this post.

It is for this reason, as well as because I (finally!) found my camera cord (which may or may not have been in the trunk of my car all this time along with all the other odds and ends that we haven't had the energy to unload into the new house...I'm leaning toward "may") that I would like to provide a quick update.

Yes, we are in the new house.  Yes, it is glorious.  And yes, we have been working on all sorts of little bloggy-fodder house projects since we got here. 

But since I need to edit the photos that are newly uploaded to my computer?  Here's a little scrappy-update instead:

I decided to jump on board with Jen from Scrapping Daze for the Counterfeit Kit challenge.  Isn't this an awesome idea?  The Counterfeit girls choose a current kit available online and challenge you to make one from your own stash.

Here's mine:

Seriously?  So much fun. 

On Saturday I made 6 cards and 3 layouts from this kit, and I still have a tonne of supplies left.

Here's one of the cards:

Counterfeiting is quick.  It's fun.  It uses up your stash.  It makes me feel pretty bad-ass, like I'm money laundering or something.

Wanna join in?

(More to come, my friends.  I promise.)