Saturday, July 23, 2011

We be pinnin'.

People?  I think I have a sickness.


I have been pinning so much lately that I have lost track of time.  And possibly thought it was Thursday two days in a row.

Neither of which was Thursday.

Oh.  Sorry.  Guess I should back the bus up a little.  Have you heard of Pinterest?

It's like an online bulletin board where you pin images of stuff you find online that you like, and the photo you pin to your board is a hyperlink to the original source of the image.

The result is a visual compilation of the awesomest stuff on the internet.

Here are a few of my favourite pins of late:
Made these last night.  So yummy.

I shall make many of these.

Save the books, people!

The Doors?  Plus stairs?  You had me at "hello".

No she wasn't.

How are people so clever?

Oooh.  Gettin' deep on ya.

Oh, the irony.  I must make this.

So, what do you think?  Do you pin?  Or are you disPINterested? 


Follow Me on Pinterest

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bathroom reorganization.

Or, should I say, "organization".  See this "before" picture?

There's really no "re" about it.

In our bathroom?  We just have one big cabinet.

No shelves.  No drawers.  Just one big space of the throw-it-in-there-and-shut-the-door-as-fast-as-possible-so-nothing-falls-out variety.

But then? I got smart.  This cabinet needed shelving, I say!

Plus, I wanted to use my drill.

Oh...did I not tell you about my drill?  See, when we first moved in here? We had to put up a shower curtain.  And I wanted one of those snazzy curved ones.

So we needed a drill.
In this house, I tend to be the tool-wielder, although the shower-curtain-rod turned into a two-dude job.
Why wouldn't this picture turn upright?

And people?  This started a love affair.  I was looking for things that needed a hole in them.

Anyway, back to the cupboard.

I went to Totem and had them cut me a couple of shelves based on my very precise and mathematical directions.

Yeah.  Basically guesstimated using a little pocket tape-measure.

Then I put them up using 3/4" L-shaped brackets.  Clearly I don't know what they're really called.  I used five of those thingies for each shelf, because they are only held up on 2 sides.  Keep in mind, though, there isn't much weight on them.
I recently switched to flat storage for my cosmetics to help free up some space in the ole' water closet.  That office drawer-organizer on the upper right holds all my girly goo.

Also?  I figured out that there are special screws just for particle-board.  Go me!
Three cheers for crappy iPhone photos!
And then I made them look a little less homemade with the plastic edging that goes on particle-board shelving.  Hopefully that will distract from the very homemade cussing that trying to drill into awkward places produced.

Et voila.  

It looks better, n'est-ce pas?
Now, I want to add a couple of these to the doors to add a little storage for my curling iron and other hair-tamers:
A great idea from The Suels!  Click the picture to head to their post!
I'm linking up at Anything Goes over at Type A.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I saved this shower curtain from lifelong trauma.

So, my blogging's been a little irregular.  As in, underwear-from-the-bargain-bin-at-the-Super-Save irregular. 

It needs some Metamucil.  Or at least some prune juice.

Anyway, I've found a stash of photos on my computer from before my computer cord went missing (again!) and sent me on this most recent hiatus. 

Thus, I give new shower curtain!

Yes, the photo sucks.  That's my iPhone for you.

Anyhow, see that green strip across this bottom?  That's how I overcame the "floodpants" effect of the curtain when I first hung it.
 See?  Floodpants.  If this was junior high, my shower curtain would be getting beat-up right now.
 So, here's how I did it.  I measured the gap from the bottom of the curtain to the floor, and then I made a strip that height by the width of the curtain plus about eight inches.  I also added some for seam allowances.
Here's me sewing:

(Why do I think I have to take pictures of everything?)

Since the fabric was too narrow to stretch the whole width of the curtain, I had to piece together two widths of fabric.
 This is where the extra eight inches comes in - I made a couple of basic pleats to cover up the seam.
 Et voila.  A shower curtain worthy of a long, hot shower.

Or at least not getting shoved into a locker at lunch.