And then my camera died. Curses!
But, finally, the battery is charged, and now I get to share with you a project two years in the making.
Here she preeeeeeciousssssssss... (what's the html code for "creepy Gollum voice"?)
So, this is a combination of two deep and dark desires: to find/create a very large piece of art that would more substantially decorate my otherwise-boring living room wall, and to use this funky window thingy that I found at the eco-center 2 years ago and have been carting around ever since.
Now, I've taken some pictures of the process, but listen up. If we're going to be friends, you need to know that I'm hasty and impetuous and usually forget to take pictures of crucial things. Like "Befores". And "Durings". And people who say, "Take a picture. It will last longer," when they catch me staring.
So. here's the closest thing I have to a "Before." The frame thingy is, apparently, a lightweight grid-frame that would be put over glass to make it look like it has panes. Or "pains", if it's splintery.
I was so excited to discover that this gorgeous Basic Grey "Pyrus" paper line matches the colours in the house we rent. I'm talking excited. With a capital "Eeek".
I cut my papers down to 9.5"x11.5" to allow for a little overhang for each "window". Then, I laid them out over the grid to find a layout that I liked.
I printed some of my favourite photos of us and the critters on my printer, and then mounted them on larger scrap white paper, as they printed 8.5"x11".
I added some quotations I love printed onto more Pyrus paper.
Then I used a $1 role of tacky tape from Ye Olde Dollar Shoppe around the edges, and mounted each piece.
So here's the wall before. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! Errr...I mean, to the clutter on the side table (which also got a make-over today. The table, not the clutter. Post to come.)
Boring, right? A total snooze-fest.
ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....Wha? Wait, what were we talking about?
Oh, right.
So I grabbed him by his big fat head and said. "Look man, I'm not going to jail for you, or anybody!"
Oh, wait...uhhh, wrong story. Hehe...he.
Now, this frame thingy doesn't have a hanger on it. And I didn't have any hanger thingys lying around. Good thing I'm resourceful...
...because I ripped this sucker off the back of another picture frame that had a spare.
So here it is!
Doesn't that just look so much more proportional than that wright-iron candleholder?
In case you're wondering (gosh, you're nosy!) here's one of the quotations:
...and here's the other:
Sigh. I think I'm going to go look at it again.
And it cost me next to nothing. Around $10 worth of paper, plus the frame at $5, and then some scrap paper and printer ink.
Seriously, people. Favourite. Project. Ever. (What's the html code for "swoon"?)